Darjeeling Tea

First Flush Darjeeling Tea There are four  flushes – 1st, 2nd, monsoon and autumnal. The tea shrubs with its delicate, fragile and grey-green sheen on the leaves. The liquor is

1st flush (late February to mid April)
Spring is the season of life, reawakening and freshness.  After cold, chilly and the dormant winter months, life takes a new lease and this is also apparent with the appearance of new tender shoots on characterized by a light translucent color and a mild astringent flavour that impart a lively character to the tea. The distinctive feature of this “First Flush” is a fragrant floral aroma and a bright lime-greenish eminence of infused leaves.

2nd flush: May to June:
The production of the world renowned ”summer tea” is produced from the month of May. The second flush results from the luscious, moist and juice leaves characterized by very enticing facade with a turquoise, purplish bloom and a touch of shimmering shiny apex (buds). The infused leaves are more vivid in its color and appearance than that of spring. It is characterized by mature and mellow brew. It is during this period that the famous “Muscatel” flavour becomes pronounced. This period expresses a full bodied aroma with its infused leaves of bright copper or purplish tinge.

Moonsoon Teas (July to September)
The “Moonsoon teas “ forms the bulk of ‘breakfast’ blend for it has more colour and is much stronger in its brew and appearance. The teas picked during the rainy season are thought to hold too much water.

Autumn Flush (October to November)
In the months of October and November the “Autumnal quality” makes its prominence felt. The liquor imparts a delicate, yet a silvery and glimmering character and the appearance lends light brownish ting or gentle cooper glow. This tea has a delightfully distinct feature and completely differs from that of spring and the summer flush. The infused tea has a golden color with an aromatic and fresh fragrance.